There are a number of ways to make your home more energy efficient. It could mean adding insulation, replacing old windows and doors or installing a new high efficiency heating and cooling system. The links on this page are there to help point you in the right direction to educate yourself on ways you can make your home more energy efficient.
The Energy Wise Energy Guide (link is external)is a great place to start looking for energy savings in your home. This comprehensive guide will help you look at all areas of your home for efficiencies.
Touchstone Energy's (link is external)energy efficiency web site (link is external)offers videos on how you can make your home more energy efficient.
The Home Energy Saver is designed to help consumers identify the best ways to save energy in their homes, and find the resources to make the savings happen. The Home Energy Saver was the first Internet-based tool for calculating energy use in residential buildings.
The Home Energy Saver (link is external)quickly computes a home's energy use on-line based on methods developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Users can estimate how much energy and money can be saved and how much emissions can be reduced by implementing energy-efficiency improvements. All end uses (heating, cooling, major appliances, lighting, and miscellaneous uses) are included.