United Community Action Funds
Having troubles paying your electric bill? Have you contacted your local UCAP Agencies? Click Here
Energy Assistance Application 2022-2023 (fillable)
Marshall Office
1400 South Saratoga Street
Marshall, MN 56258
Ph. 507-537-1416
Fax 507-537-1849
Willmar Office
Pat Elizondo
200 SW 4th St.
PO Box 1359
Willmar, MN 56201
Ph. 320-235-0850 or 1-800-992-1710
Fax 320-235-7703
Redwood Falls Office
164 E. 2nd Street
PO Box 172
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
The Power of Human Connections
The Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives brand represents a nationwide alliance of more than 740 local, consumer-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states. Touchstone Energy co-ops collectively deliver power and energy solutions to more than 30 million members every day. Electric cooperatives distribute power for 75% of the U.S. land mass over 2.4 million miles of power lines.
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Equal Oppertunity Employer
Redwood Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer.